Wednesday 1 May 2024

Good reasons for 'stop and search'

It goes without saying that those who are anti-Police, and therefore anti 'stop and search', are those who have the most to lose. Personally I would have nothing against being 'stopped and searched', as I have nothing to feel guilty about.

This young man, Hamza Haddadi (in the video), is a classic example. A simple search on one of London's tube stations, during which he tried to escape, revealed a huge machete beneath his coat, as well as a smaller switchblade knife in his pocket.

In parts of London, and elsewhere, this is not uncommon. Certain communities seem to have different values to the rest of us. Street fights are everyday occurrences, and immigrant gangs prowl around with impunity; armed to the teeth. I quite expect this chap got a good ticking-off, but not a lot more.

One doesn't like to tar them all with the same brush, but I prefer to tell the truth rather than hide behind trendy platitudes. Cultural integration isn't all it's cracked-up to be. 

People might say that this was an isolated incident, but sadly that isn't the case. It happens daily.

Some may remember that I spoke of a young man who was knifed to death back on Oct 5th last year, about 100 yards from our house here in Brighton. 

It has since been revealed that the victim teenager, 17 year old Mustafa Momand, owed £20,000 to his drug dealer, and paid the price. Stories circulated at the time that he was a totally innocent 'bystander'; in the wrong place at the wrong time, but we all knew better. Such stabbings usually involve gang-related drug dealing and owed money, and tend to remain within their own community. But it's shocking to know that so many of these people walk around fully armed. 

MM also had previous charges against him of drug crimes, and of carrying weapons himself; so he was no stranger to the world of crime. Sadly he paid the ultimate price, as so many do.

'Stop and Search' is essential. Don't listen to the woke brigade who will try to tell you that it's 'against their human rights'. It's actually pro the human rights of the rest of us!

Tuesday 30 April 2024



Lady M: Shreek Shreek Shreek !!!!

Cro: What the hell's going on?

Lady M: Look, over there, by Billy's bed. There's a huge Spider!

Cro: Hang on, I'll roll-up some newspaper.

Lady M: Quick Quick, it'll get away.

Cro: Where is it?.

Lay M: There, there, over by Billy's bed.

Cro: Ah, I've been looking for that. That's my black scarf! 

Lady M slinks off to find her Girl Guides Ladybird Book of Creepy Crawlies. Red faced.

Monday 29 April 2024


I just happened to notice this small packet of Oxo cubes at my supermarket recently, and it brought back memories. I had no idea they were still made, so I bought it.

When I cook green vegetables (usually Broccoli) I keep the cooking water and often make myself a hot drink mixed with either Marmite or Bovril. This may sound a bit strange to many, but I don't like to throw away all that vitamin packed cooking water (vegetable stock).

Oxo cubes are funny little square cubes of Beef flavoured compressed powdery 'something-or-other'. They crumble when squeezed. They also melt into hot water very easily. I notice they contain NO ARTIFICIAL PRESERVATIVES; amazing.

Often during the day I don't feel like Tea or Coffee, so finding these little cubes was fortuitous. They make quite a pleasant hot drink which I did actually rather enjoy. I must have last tasted them over 60 years ago.

When I was small, Oxo cubes used to come in roughly 6 by 4 by 3 inch red metal tins, which were much prized as sandwich tins for coal miners. You'd probably find them in antique shops these days.

Does life get more exciting that this?

Cro's verdict as a hot drink. Pleasant enough with good Beefy flavour. 7/10


Sunday 28 April 2024

The Paris Olympics.

Did I hear correctly? Did someone say that 'Break Dancing' was to play a part in this year's Olympic Games in Paris? Surely not!

I did also hear that Surfing, Skateboarding, and Sport Climbing will also now feature.

I'm not really all that interested in the Olympics. I had always thought of the games as being Running, Jumping, Throwing, Cycling, and Swimming, etc; events where people compete against each other to achieve faster and higher goals. I'm not sure how Break Dancing fits in with 100 Metres sprinting or Pole Vaulting.

Above are my two Aussie Grandsons contemplating their appearance in the Quarter Mile dash to McDonald's.

Let's hope they bring back a bun-shaped burger-flavoured medal.

On a very different and darker note, we're all keeping our fingers crossed (as are the French) that there won't be a repeat of the 1972 Olympics massacre in Munich, where Palestinian 'Black September' terrorists murdered athletes, and took Israelis as hostages (remind you of anything?). The French are taking the current threats extremely seriously.

It's a huge black mark on the UK's recent history that the previous leader of the UK Socialists, Jeremy Corbyn, is known for his support of terrorism (IRA, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc), as well as his antisemitism. Corbyn (in white shirt below), is seen here praying, and wreath-laying, at the graves of the 'Black September' bosses Salah Khalaf and Atef Bseiso, who organised the 1972 Olympics terrorist attack. I believe that 11 Israeli athletes were murdered that day.

Corbyn still sits as a back-bench MP at Westminster. Shame on him!

Luckily Corbyn was replaced as Labour party leader in 2019 by his own 2015 leadership campaigner, Sir Keir Starmer. 

It will be interesting to see if Corbyn has any support for his actions. 

Saturday 27 April 2024

Visit Africa.

The threat of sending illegal immigrants to Rwanda is supposed to stop the constant flow of overcrowded illegal boats arriving from France. Well, let me tell the initiators of this crazy scheme that it will quite possibly increase the arrivals.

Who in their right minds wouldn't want to be lodged in this lovely hotel in the African sunshine (below); totally free of charge! The hotel boasts a very good restaurant, tennis courts, landscaped gardens, and all the luxuries one finds in an averagely good hotel.

Those we intend to send 'on holiday' will receive spending money, on top of having everything paid for by UK taxpayers. It's almost worth taking a day trip to France, buying an inflatable boat, and being escorted to Britain by the nice Border Patrol folk; before being sent off to Rwanda on a jolly.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the Calais 'people smugglers' are charging extra for the possibility of being sent to Kigali. It might prove to be a very popular selling point. 


Friday 26 April 2024

Industrial Pud'

I've had this pud' in the cupboard for months, and had almost forgotten about it.

I've been a fan of the Fray Bentos steak and kidney pies since I was a student, but the puds only appeared after the microwave was invented (I think).

I know, I know; such things are a bit naff, but just occasionally they hit the spot perfectly. Yesterday Lady Magnon was away for most of the day, so I took the opportunity to allow it to have its moment (for my lunch). 3 mins in the microwave, and Bob's your uncle. 

I don't know where else I would get a Steak and Kidney Pudding (unless I made it myself), so this one had to suffice.

Frankly it's not as good as the FB S & K Pies, but I enjoyed it anyway. The suet pastry is far too stodgy, but the overall taste is there. I don't think I shall be buying another one for a very long time. However, one in the cupboard for emergencies is not a bad idea.

Cro's Verdict: Not something you'd wish to eat too often. 6/10


Thursday 25 April 2024

Surrey Vandalism


It's not often that the press report simple mindless vandalism, but this particular case has recently made the headlines.

My native village of Lingfield in Surrey is very close to both the villages of Godstone and Oxted; two venues that are currently suffering from regular bouts of serious hooliganism from marauding gangs (above). They smash church, house, and car windows, kill animals, and have even blinded Swans on Godstone village pond; a pond I know well. They generally cause mayhem by firing catapults whilst others are asleep.

It is difficult to understand why some people commit blatant vandalism and cruelty. It has been alleged that the perpetrators are from an ex-traveler community, but this is no excuse to behave badly. Many people have financial or social problems but they don't go around killing pets or smashing windows. 

Some people are simply prone to vandalism, it seems to be in their blood. I imagine it's a question of 'they have what I don't, so I'll smash it'; not unlike keying expensive cars.

Some while back I wrote about the possibility of reintroducing some form of National Service, to give such people a purpose in life. I now see that the idea is becoming spoken about across the board, and it does look as if it will be introduced some time in the not too distant future.

Maybe swapping their catapults for more modern weaponry on a shooting range will help heal their inherent woes.

I do find it very odd that the good folk of Godstone are able to photograph these people, yet PC Plod fails to arrest them. What more do they need?

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